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Information & Updates / Advocating for an ideal Homeow...
Last post by ed - Dec 31, 2024, 09:55 AM
My desire for Beverly Hills Community Homeowners Association (BHCHA) is one that operates with care, respect, and truth while ensuring the safety and well-being of its community members. BHCHA should be utilitarian in its approach, providing maximum benefit to the greatest number of people, while also being mindful of individual needs and concerns. Here are some ways that an ideal HOA can function:

Clear Communication: An ideal HOA should have clear and consistent communication with its members. This includes providing timely updates on community events, decisions, and financial matters. BHCHA should also have a system in place for members to voice their concerns and ask questions.

Transparent Decision Making: BHCHA should be transparent in its decision-making processes. This means that members should be informed of the reasons behind decisions and how those decisions were reached. BHCHA should also be open to feedback and willing to reconsider decisions if new information or perspectives are presented.

Fair and Consistent Enforcement: BHCHA should enforce its rules and regulations in a fair and consistent manner. This includes enforcing rules against all members equally, without bias or prejudice. BHCHA should also have a clear and concise process for addressing violations, including providing members with notice and an opportunity to be heard.

Fiscal Responsibility: BHCHA should be fiscally responsible and manage the community's funds in a transparent and accountable manner. This includes creating and adhering to a budget, providing regular financial reports to members, and ensuring that funds are used in the best interest of the community.

Community Building: BHCHA should work to build a sense of community within the neighborhood. This can be achieved through community events, volunteer opportunities, and other initiatives that bring members together. The HOA should also be responsive to the needs and concerns of its members, working to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.

Proactive Problem Solving: BHCHA should be proactive in identifying and addressing potential issues within the community. This includes regular maintenance and upkeep of common areas, addressing safety concerns, and working to prevent problems before they arise.

Ethical Leadership: BHCHA should be led by ethical and responsible leaders who are committed to the well-being of the community. Leaders should be transparent in their actions, fair in their decision-making, and accountable to the members they serve.

Conflict Resolution: BHCHA should have a clear and effective process for resolving conflicts between members. This includes providing mediation services, establishing clear guidelines for dispute resolution, and promoting open and respectful communication between members.

In summary, BHCHA is one that operates with care, respect, and transparency, ensuring the safety and well-being of its community members. BHCHA should be utilitarian in its approach, providing maximum benefit to the greatest number of people, while also being mindful of individual needs and concerns. By prioritizing clear communication, transparent decision-making, fair and consistent enforcement, fiscal responsibility, community building, proactive problem-solving, ethical leadership, and conflict resolution. An ideal HOA can create a welcoming and inclusive community for all.
News & Announcement / Re: Upcoming 2025 Homeowners A...
Last post by Khan - Dec 31, 2024, 06:35 AM
Viber number...
office address...
Membership and Forms / Map of Beverly Hills
Last post by pambi - Dec 31, 2024, 12:54 AM
Map of Beverly Hills
Information & Updates / Upcoming Homeowners Associatio...
Last post by pambi - Dec 31, 2024, 12:13 AM
Subject: Upcoming 2025 Homeowners Association General Meeting

Dear Beverly Hills Residents,

We hope this message finds you well.

We are pleased to announce that the first 2025 Homeowners Association General Meeting will be held on January 18, 2025 at 2:30PM. The meeting will take place at Barangay Beverly Hills Multipurpose Hall at 2nd Ave..


- Welcome and Introductions
- Review of Previous Meeting Minutes
- BHCHA presentation and Status Report
- Open Forum for Homeowner Concerns
- Updates and Membership
- Next Steps and Closing Remarks

This is a great opportunity for all homeowners to stay informed about community matters, share ideas, and voice any concerns. Your participation is vital in shaping our community and ensuring it remains a wonderful place to live.

Please RSVP by January 17, 2025 if you plan to attend here or via Viber, Email or by visiting our office. If you have any specific topics or questions you would like to discuss, feel free to include them in your response.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Warm regards,

News & Announcement / Upcoming 2025 Homeowners Assoc...
Last post by admin - Dec 30, 2024, 11:51 PM
Subject: Upcoming Homeowners Association General Meeting

Dear Beverly Hills Residents,

We hope this message finds you well.

We are pleased to announce that the first 2025 Homeowners Association General Meeting will be held on January 18, 2025 at 2:30PM. The meeting will take place at Barangay Beverly Hills Multipurpose Hall at 2nd Ave..


- Welcome and Introductions
- Review of Previous Meeting Minutes
- BHCHA presentation and Status Report
- Open Forum for Homeowner Concerns
- Updates and Membership
- Next Steps and Closing Remarks

This is a great opportunity for all homeowners to stay informed about community matters, share ideas, and voice any concerns. Your participation is vital in shaping our community and ensuring it remains a wonderful place to live.

Please RSVP by January 17, 2025 if you plan to attend here or via Viber, Email or by visiting our office. If you have any specific topics or questions you would like to discuss, feel free to include them in your response.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Warm regards,

Open Discussion / Why did BHHAI not simply file ...
Last post by Khan - Dec 30, 2024, 10:54 PM
BHHAI knew well before 2014 that its 50-year term was expiring. All HOAs know about the vital importance of a legal term of existence.

1. After BHHAI expired on 2014 December 29 according to its own articles of incorporation, why did the 2015 board not file for a new association?

2023 May 24 : DHSUD letter reminded BHHAI of their expiration and suggested that BHHAI apply for a new Certificate of Incorporation

"On a more important matter ..., we noticed from [your submitted documents] that [the existence of the association expired]. Please apply for the issuance of a new Certificate of Incorporation...."

2. After receiving this advice from the government authority overseeing them, why did the 2023 board not file for a new association?

3. DHSUD already told them that BHHAI corporation expired. So why did the 2023 board still do this ⬇️?

2023 June 21 : BHHAI filed Amended Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

2023 November 24 : DHSUD Region IV-A "denied outright" BHHAI's 2023 June filing and specifically cited the law. "Associations whose term of existence as provided in its Articles of Incorporation has expired shall be deemed dissolved without need of any proceedings."

Why did the BHHAI board not simply register a new association in 2023 or even in the preceding eight years? They had all the time in the world and they had all the advantage.

Had the BHHAI board followed this friendly advice from DHSUD, they would have obviated the November 2023 Order and saved the community the trouble of all this discord, and money and time wasted. The BHHAI board simply had to pay nominal fees for incorporation and registration, wind up the old corporation, done a proper accounting and audit, settle obligations, and return the funds to their respective owners. May be tedious but far less contentious and expensive than divisive litigation that predictably confirmed the plain-to-see fact of their dissolution. Besides, that's what the law and their fiduciary duty obligate them to do.

Who made these decisions? Why did they choose this option? How did they figure that litigation was the better path for the good of the community when no one was standing in their way to incorporate again? :o
News & Announcement / Timeline of Events
Last post by ed - Dec 30, 2024, 09:36 PM
Important Dates:

1964 December 29 : BHHAI incorporated
2014 December 29 : 50-year term of BHHAI expired by operation of law

2023 May 24 : DHSUD reminded BHHAI of its expiration and suggested that BHHAI apply for a new Certificate of Incorporation

2023 June 21 : BHHAI filed Amended Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

2023 November 17 : DHSUD Region IV-A Order affirmed dissolution and revoking/canceling Certificate of Filing of Amended Articles of Incorporation in 2015

2023 November 24 : DHSUD Region IV-A "denied outright" BHHAI's 2023 June filing and specifically cited the law. "Associations whose term of existence as provided in its Articles of Incorporation has expired shall be deemed dissolved without need of any proceedings."

2024 April 29 : DHSUD issued a Certificate of Registration to BHCHA as the new HOA for Beverly Hills Subdivision.

2024 August 20 : DHSUD Certification described November 2023 Order as "revoking Certificate of Registration 18244 of BHHAI".

2024 September 11 : DHSUD Secretary's decision (a) affirmed DHSUD Region IV-A Order; (b) denied the two appeals filed by BHHAI; and (c) pointed out that "this Office treats the second appeal [by BHHAI] as a mere scrap of paper."

2024 November 16 : Office of the President has taken no action within sixty days on BHHAI appeal, rendering executory the DHSUD Region IV-A Order affirming BHHAI dissolution. (As of today, 100 days have passed and OP has taken no action.)

BHHAI is dissolved.
Open Discussion / Welcome to Beverly Hills Commu...
Last post by Simple Machines - Dec 30, 2024, 02:03 PM
Welcome to Beverly Hills Community Forum!

We hope you enjoy using your forum.  If you have any problems, please feel free to ask us for assistance.
